twentythree y.o. geographer, barista, yoga practitioner. University College London. born and bred in the lil' island of Singapore. constantly searching for answers. extremely flawed, especially when it comes to imposing standards on others, expecting too much, not knowing when to close her mouth (to shut the fuck up or to stop eating). too crazy for her own good and has to be taken with a massive handful of salt. adores backpacking, hitch-hiking, hill-walking, red wine, whiskey, cocktails, fine food and good conversations.
"open your heart. someone will come. someone will come for you. but you'd have to open your heart first."

© Uni* template by ohfudge!

Thursday, August 05, 2010
◔ 2:41 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s)
❝ Life of a Secondary Four kiddo. ❞

HI :D I am finally here after a not-self-imposed ban from the computer. Don't blame me, blame time. Time and tide waits for no man~

Just came back from Night Class quite long ago. And I am so fucking shagged I drank coffee (I drink even when I am not shagged) and I am here to come back to my godly computer.

Extremely hyped up for tomorrow, cause I am going out with Obiwan and there's like less than half day of school (which is stupid and I am still contemplating whether to go or not) and my dad's coming back = shop (hopefully?), good food, and maybe The Bitch won't haunt me that much anymore.

Don't get me wrong. I love her, but I guess the way she is so uber free now cause she no longer has work and etc. is fucking freaking me out and I. Hate. It.

I felt so bored I decided to upload a random picture. And I am still contemplating whether to upload the Andy Lambert video onto Youtube. Next Youtube sensation?


HAHA LOL you so cute, and YES JAY CHOU! And I presume that you are still hyped up after the concert~

HMM. Hints. The one with the cheese face... That walks like a monkeh... Good enough? :D

YES I HATE ANTS. Hence ant poison is my best friend. ALL THE BEST FOR TOMORROW OKAY! :D


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