twentythree y.o. geographer, barista, yoga practitioner. University College London. born and bred in the lil' island of Singapore. constantly searching for answers. extremely flawed, especially when it comes to imposing standards on others, expecting too much, not knowing when to close her mouth (to shut the fuck up or to stop eating). too crazy for her own good and has to be taken with a massive handful of salt. adores backpacking, hitch-hiking, hill-walking, red wine, whiskey, cocktails, fine food and good conversations.
"open your heart. someone will come. someone will come for you. but you'd have to open your heart first."

© Uni* template by ohfudge!

Sunday, January 22, 2012
◔ 1:43 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s)
❝ Chinese New Year (not) ❞

Saw a bunch of Nike Lunar shoes for sale yesterday at Takashimaya and I'm still aching to buy them. Together with that pretty pair of Vans that are impossible to match with anything.


*Le me looking at the shoes*

Brother: Hey the shoes have Nike+! You can use the app to track your running!

Me: Sure, so you expect me to carry my iPad around and run?

Life sucks. This doesn't even freaking feel like CNY.

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