twentythree y.o. geographer, barista, yoga practitioner. University College London. born and bred in the lil' island of Singapore. constantly searching for answers. extremely flawed, especially when it comes to imposing standards on others, expecting too much, not knowing when to close her mouth (to shut the fuck up or to stop eating). too crazy for her own good and has to be taken with a massive handful of salt. adores backpacking, hitch-hiking, hill-walking, red wine, whiskey, cocktails, fine food and good conversations.
"open your heart. someone will come. someone will come for you. but you'd have to open your heart first."
| Saturday, February 17, 2018 ◔ 10:48 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ When recovery feels impossible ❞ | After years and years and years of cheating relationships.
I don't know what to feel anymore.
Labels: confessions, daily, random
| Thursday, August 03, 2017 ◔ 7:56 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Reading List 2k17 ❞ | Love is a Mixtape
Eat, Pray, Love
The Golden Notebook
Going Solo
Little WomenLabels: reading list
| Friday, April 28, 2017 ◔ 2:02 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Never have I ever ❞ | "Never have I ever slept with someone who is ten years older than me."
"Never have I ever slept with someone who is ten years younger than me."
"What do you want from Hong Kong? Other than semen."
"Are you going to the port to find me some? I want Australian Dairy Company's steamed milk pudding."
"I can't bring food!"
"What about Lin Heung's char siew rice? Ok no food. Raymond Lam."
"That's my uncle's name, I swear."
"Not that Raymond Lam, the Lam Fung Raymond Lam."
"Edison Chen?"
"I like Edison Chen; I think he's cute. But he's married now. And so is Aaron Kwok."
"He's old!"
"His wife is 29 years old. And he's handsome. Ok Eason Chan?"
"Jay Chou."
"I like Jay Chou."Labels: confessions, daily
| Sunday, January 15, 2017 ◔ 2:10 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ When expectations get ahead of you... ❞ | It was an incredible evening. Full of joy, fun, laughter and potential.
I don't know what I did along the way. Was I too boring? Was I no longer fun? Was I no longer attractive? Am I only fun for only one night? I don't really know, but I guess the fact that I'm even thinking about this speaks for how my expectations have leapfrogged ahead of me.
This whole fun-for-one-night-then-goodbye-forever thing should be something that I'm used to, given that I've been through this several times. Have I gone out of practice after being in a loong relationship? Why does this feel so terrible to me?
I guess at the end of the day, I expected too much. Wanted too much, wished for too much, and forgot that many things in the world are out of my control. The only thing I have the power over is myself. And my expectations.
But why does all of this feel so difficult?Labels: daily, no filter
| Saturday, January 14, 2017 ◔ 3:19 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ How long are you in Singapore for? ❞ | *NSFW*
My response: for now.
For now. In the short term, in the next 6 months. I really don't know what comes after that.
I spent the week coping with living with a family again. For all the lovely new friendships I've made in Singapore, and all the amazing friendships that I've reconnected with over the past two months or so, I think the glaringly huge neon warning sign at the back of my head screams HOW ARE YOU TO LIVE WITH A FAMILY?
I want to go out, have fun, meet people; not constantly lying to my mother about what I'm doing and where I'm going and all the shenanigans I get involved in outside. (e.g. drinking in a roastery, spilling wine all over the floor, drunken making out in the smoking area...)
I think the biggest thing that my mother should learn is: never probe into anything that you're not prepared to find out about. Including my vibrator. Yes, my fucking vibrator.
And I think my mother is the biggest reason why I'm able to lie with a straight face.Labels: daily, no filter
| Wednesday, January 11, 2017 ◔ 2:47 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Mothers will always be mothers? ❞ | Really bothered about something that I feel like I have to write about it.
Told my mother I was cooking for a potluck today, and she asked me, whom with? Said "同学", which means classmate when directly translated, but I use it to refer to anyone that is about my age (like the mainlanders).
She then said, "may I ask who is it that you're meeting".
And I lied to her. Of course I lied to her.
I'm mildly pissed off but extremely concerned. I don't want this to be a recurring problem, and I do not want to keep lying to my mother.
Told one of the guys I was talking to about it, and he said that I can just show my mother his Instagram Profile, since "it's public anyway".
Woah, dude. Please don't fucking push it man. Firstly, we are not at that level yet. And secondly, what makes you think that you're so great that I'd show my mother your profile? If I really could say whatever I wanted, I'd tell him that
1. I'm in a family of overachievers
2. I need to like you enough enough enough to even bother to defend you in front of my family
And guess what? We are not there yet. And you know what as well? I'm really starting to find you pretty fucking irritating.Labels: daily, rants
| Saturday, December 31, 2016 ◔ 5:27 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ New Year, New Me. Hopefully. ❞ | 12/31
It's been an incredibly difficult year. Doesn't help that so much shit has gone down over the past two weeks that I don't even fucking remember all my struggles from earlier this year.
May next year be better. Please? Maybe at some point I'd get well enough to write a proper blog post, but until then I guess?
This year ended really badly. Full of unnecessary heartbreak, wasted emotions and all of that, which drained me of all of my positivity and energy; what is really getting me through is just telling myself to keep plodding on. Step by step. Breath by breath.
Haven't come to terms with all of it yet but maybe I will soon, and hopefully by then I will be able to write about it.
In the meantime, just getting by, one day at a time.
I can only tell myself that - this will matter less in 15 days than it does right now, and even less in 15 weeks, 15 months, 15 years...
And I just have to constantly remind myself that I DESERVE BETTER. I DESERVE BETTER.
I cried today. Big, fat tears rolling down my sorry face, especially when I was researching on books that I can read to help me get better. I will get better. Every little step I take in my life from now on will contribute to that. (Unrelated: how do Korean actors cry so prettily? I swear my face swells up whenever I cry)
Labels: random, rants, thoughts
| Thursday, December 29, 2016 ◔ 12:49 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Status: Recovering. ❞ | I'm slowly but surely removing traces of you from my life.
| Monday, December 12, 2016 ◔ 12:02 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" ❞ | My biggest downfall in every interview:
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years"
Traveling the world and teaching yoga, duh.
Of course I can't say that, can I?
Labels: random, rants
| Tuesday, May 10, 2016 ◔ 10:37 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Teenyweenyitsybitsy box it up, box it up ❞ | I've got an incredible urge to pen down my thoughts and then proceed to stuff them into a tiny box and chuck the into a teenyweenyitsybitsy corner of my soul.
Alas, I've got little patience for that right now, when everything's in a massive mumble jumble mambo jambo in my little brain, or specifically what they term the "consciousness". To ensure that I write without comma splices, or what Paddy Clarke taught us - stream of consciousness (ha ha ha) -would probably take too much effort at this particular juncture.
Nevertheless, publishing this post to inform everyone (or no one) that this place is still alive and I've got major plans to share my photos, my thoughts, ideas, love, cuddles, happiness (or the lack thereof). Coming soonish would be photos that I rediscovered from my backpack to Spain two years ago, which turned out rather impressive considering that I took them with my wee GoPro.
Until then, and may I not descend back into darkness.Labels: daily
| Sunday, May 08, 2016 ◔ 3:27 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Hi Andrew ❞ | Months ago: "I would have written about non-linear time if I had more time with this essay."
At which juncture, I was just bullshitting; trying to defend my random "performativity" argument in an assignment on "assemblages".
Five minutes ago, after some detailed reading of the topic: "I really could have written about non-linear time."Labels: random, rants
| Wednesday, March 09, 2016 ◔ 3:57 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ It will all be okay. ❞ | What started out as my mother telling me off for talking to my brother harshly, slowly became a moment for us.
I explained to my mum (over text, because I never feel like talking over the phone or in real life) that I sent those long emails because I was frustrated that my brother was given the free rein to talk to me in that audacious manner, especially given that he cursed at me. I talked about how I was scolded, because I, for that one single time, cursed the f-word at home. That little occasion of my parents giving him a free pass for his brazen behavior became a little reminder of a sentiment that I've felt over the years - that they favor him, that they have always been kinder to him.
I then said that I didn't want to talk about it, because I've got so much to do and that'd be bad for my mental health. Mum then told me that all it matters is for me to be happy, and a person's worth isn't measured by their results but by what they do. (Mum probably said this because I mentioned in passing that I fall into depression whenever things are not going well academically, and also depression runs on my father's side)
I told her that I understood, and that it is something really easy to say but really difficult to do. I started telling her the whole story, from the beginning, from when I was eight and I scored 82 for a Math Exam. My mum scolded me, beat me, but then I still ran after her begging for forgiveness, constantly saying that I was sorry and I would never do it again. My mother told me that apologizing was useless. But then it worked. I never scored below 80 for Math ever again.
At the age of twelve, I received my PSLE results. I was largely satisfied, but then my parents were horribly disappointed. It was the first time I felt it. Maybe if I disappeared off the surfaces of earth then maybe they'd care about me, and then eventually they will forget me and be happier because they have their son anyway. It was then too, that I decided that the only way to gain recognition from my parents was by doing well at school.
It worked. I was the top student in school year after year. And whenever I don't do as well for any test, I will punish myself, and ensure that I will be top again the next time. And it worked.
Then I came to university. All went well for a little bit. But with the sudden change in grading system - Grade I for the top top top work, and Grade IIa for basically everyone who's above average - combined with a momentary loss in voice (as in writing voice not voice from my mouth haha), I started faltering. The need to hurt myself came back. I started making plans - if I were to step onto the road on High Holborn, maybe it'd all happen really quickly and I wouldn't even know it happened. I thought about the Euston accident when a cyclist was crushed under a bus. Every time I walked home at night I secretly hoped for a drunk driver, probably romanticized by F.T. Island's Severely video.
And eventually I decided that I needed help.
It got better, and with all the love and encouragement from people around me I have slowly started to learn, to teach myself that it is okay.
I told her the entire story (or at least the crucial junctures), and I explained to her why I'd fend off questions of doing a postgraduate with a simple "no". I told her that I was using every last bit of determination to get through my undergraduate years. And I can't go on anymore. Not without a break. Not without slowly learning that it was all okay. And I asked her to understand.
She then apologized to me, she apologized for being too hard on me. And it was all her fault that she wasn't a good mother and she didn't support me and protect me when she really should have.
I told her it wasn't her fault. And that she shouldn't apologize.
She replied saying that she regrets it everyday, and wishes that she could turn back time and be a better mother to my brother and I. And it was the reason why she didn't have any more kids after my brother and I.
I told her to not feel that way because it's not her fault. And that it will all eventually be okay.
Because it will. It will all be okay.
/Who you used to be doesn't matter. It's who you are today that does.Labels: confessions, daily
| Tuesday, March 08, 2016 ◔ 10:50 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Fking stupid. ❞ | It's been so long since I felt so frustrated, and so tired at life.
I think the trigger was Oisin talking about his plans with mommy tomorrow, for him to treat his mom to a Mothers' Day Meal and for her to buy him a couple of shirts for his birthday.
And I mentioned that I've never actually gotten birthday presents, but I've always gotten money for my birthday (not much, but not complaining). And Oisin said that I should not feel bitter about not getting presents because I never ask for anything and I've stopped asking my parents for money since I was 16.
And it just feels so tiring and frustrating because my parents give my brother so much more money, while my dad asked me to live off the rest of my money for the next 4 months. And what really pissed me off was when my brother, with that horrible attitude of his, emailed all of us saying that he can't bring my luggage back because he's got two hands and he needs to bring his guitar back.
Sent a really snarky email back, reminding him of the fact that he's gone home more times in a single year than I have in my 3 years in London.
So fucking pissed off.Labels: daily, rants
| Tuesday, February 23, 2016 ◔ 12:58 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Covet x Reading List ❞ | While everyone's raving about what they'd like to do for their post-uni gap year, I am looking forward to reading. (Please do not buy me any of these books unless you're shipping them to Singapore because I really really really cannot afford to carry them back)
Mitchell Dean and Kasper Villadsen - Statephobia and Civil Society
Christophe Bonneuil and Jean-Baptiste Fressoz - Shock of Anthropocene
Patrick Wolfe - Traces of History
* Judith Butler - Notes Towards a Performative Theory of Assembly
* Jemima Repo - The Biopolitics of Gender
* Ben Golder - Foucault and the Politics of Rights
* Gayatri Spivak - Can the Subaltern Speak?
Nathan Coombs - History and EventLabels: Covet, reading list
| Tuesday, February 16, 2016 ◔ 1:39 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Post-Graduation Goalz ❞ | Given that I'd be graduating in less than 6 months, and that I'd probably be busy leading my life, here's a little update as to what I intend to do:
1. Earn enough money by June for my license
2. Travel Switzerland in July
3. Return to Singapore, start finding a part-time job so that I can fund my license
4. Start on my license in October, attain it by November. Hopefully squeeze in a little trip with Oisin during his reading week in November.
5. Learn Japanese again, and actually work hard to master it.
6. Find a job (OR JOBS) when I get back by December. Hopefully the economy is still surviving enough to take in a young graduate willing to work for peanuts.Labels: college, daily, random, resolutions
| Tuesday, February 09, 2016 ◔ 10:22 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Even though ❞ | Yesterday, Oisin complained about how frustrated he was to be in London, and how he was probably craving for a little escape from this city, how he was dying to run into the embrace of warmth and sunshine. (This sentiment was probably triggered by the fairly horrible weather in London over the past few days).
I spent the evening giving him suggestions for places to go - what about Italy? What about the Mediterranean? What about... He finally decided that he should choose somewhere where he had friends to crash with, so that he'd be able to save some money on accommodation.
This morning, not long after I woke up from my massive sleep (the magic of the carrot cake?) he texted me asking if he should go to New York, the Canaries, or New York then the Canaries, or the Canaries then New York.
I was probably more enthusiastic than he was about the trip, constantly bugging him to purchase the tickets and ensuring that he did his pre-clearance for the States; I kept asking him if he wanted to borrow my backpack, what he was going to do about his bicycle......
It was only this evening, only when I said my goodbyes to him over the phone, that it struck me - even though I'd be sad and alone (cause the flatmate's not around too) and that even though I know I should treasure every last moment we have together - I wanted him to go and have fun and see his best friend and enjoy himself. And that makes me happy.
AND EVEN THOUGH I KNOW THAT HE'D PROBABLY TEXT ME ONLY LIKE TWICE IN THE ENTIRE TWO WEEKS HE IS AWAY I'd be waiting for him back in London, with open arms and hugs and kisses. And I'd be ready to cuddle in bed while he recovers from his jetlag, my index finger tracing little infinity signs on his chest, listening to his many (sometimes not very funny) stories.
EVEN THOUGH I REALLY DISLIKE NEW YORK. (see was gonna find a photo that I took of New York to brighten up this space but NO because I've got no photos because I REALLY DISLIKE NEW YORK).Labels: daily, Letters to Oisin, love
| Monday, February 01, 2016 ◔ 9:34 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Post-bubble tea happiness that calls for a blog post ❞ | Boyfriend told me about the massive queues his friends face every time they go to COCO. Coco the bubble tea shop, not KOKO the club (which I love too, just saying).
Dropped by after my twice-a-week ddeokbokki at the Korean Cafe because the ddeokbokki portion was a lot smaller today and Fiona the eating monster was seriously unsatisfied. I am a growing child and I need to eat! *whines*
So anyways I got the salted cream milk tea, and DAMN WAS IT GOOD. Very much like the macchiato from KOI but about 10 times better, except for the fact that the Chinese chick neglected to give me my pearls, and failed to give me a little knife so that I could drink it from the top rather than through a straw.
Was looking through my old Instagram photos, and seriously missed the Fiona that was 6kg lighter. I loved being able to feel every ridge and bulge of my body, a self-recognition of my hard work and efforts. Simultaneously, I acknowledge that my current lifestyle makes this impossible - primarily the need to eat out because I am not at home most of the time. Yes, I do know that I can pack food (which I do... sometimes) but my love for hot food (e.g. ddeokbokki, the udon I've been having for breakfast everyday for the past 3 days) and my obsession with salad renders this impossible. So my skin is horrible *touches the bumps on my forehead and making things worse with my dirty hands* and my aspirations of being as ripped as I once was have to be shoved into a corner.
Life is horrible, as always. My frustration at mainly myself and my inadequacies are slowly taking a toll on my relationships. Predominantly the one that I have always been taking for granted - the one that I thought would be a smooth sailing journey if we still stuck together after a year of being physically apart.
(some lighthearted shit)
The other day, I was telling Oisin about how I am slightly amused that many of my friends date people from the same dialect group - something I don't think that they intentionally seek, but just happens anyway.
Oisin said that he thinks it is subconscious and that language invariably shapes how one thinks and acts. I then jokingly asks which dialect group he's from, and whether we are suitable for each other.
O: What's your first language?
Me: English?
O: What's your second language?
Me: Chinese?
O: See? We are clearly the same dialect group!
Sometimes that little kid cracks me up so much.Labels: college, daily, love, quotes
| Wednesday, January 20, 2016 ◔ 12:50 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ New Year's Resolution ❞ | 1. Mop my floor more. I've even bought 6 bottles of floor cleaner to ensure that I keep to this resolution. Because I need to ensure that I can sleep / roll / eat on my floor. Need to utilize my beautiful parquet floors to their full potential.
2. Actually get through my two tubs of protein powder. I've had them for two years, but I've always neglected to consume them. They are meant to be meal replacements, which is problematic because
- If I actually don't need a meal, I'd forget to eat altogether, which also means that my protein powder will not be consumed.
- If I'm actually hungry, nothing. Can. Stop. Me. From. Food.
3. NO SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES. I MEAN NO, NO, NO! Ok here are a few exceptions
- Only if they are on insane insane insane sale
- Only if they are not taxed / have a massive delivery charge slapped on them
And for every item that I buy, I'd have to prepare to throw / give away another item.
4. Actually learn to be efficient.
- Coffee is my best friend.
Labels: daily, resolutions
| Monday, January 04, 2016 ◔ 9:25 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Teachers and growing up ❞ | I was thinking about how untidy I am as a person. Most of the things on the coffee and dining tables are mine, all my drawers and cabinets and basically my entire room is packed to the brim with all my belongings (mainly clothing. And shoes. And bags.)
It reminded me of how, when I was 8(ish?) I received a comment from my then teacher, Ms Dorothy Thiam (god knows how I remembered her name), that I needed to be more organized. I vaguely remember asking - what does 'organized' mean? What does it constitute exactly?
Then, I began to really question how these teachers choose to describe, or even characterize a student. What did I do exactly for her to beseech me to be more organized? Was it when I opened my file and worksheets started pouring out, on maybe an occasion or two? Was it when I forgot to do my homework? I've got no recollection of either happening, but still, can't count on my horrible memory.
What gave the teacher the right to characterize a student at such a young age? I was never liked by teachers. I believe this was fundamentally because I enjoyed challenging their authority, which was a problem in Secondary School (friends would probably recall me "rubbing shoulders" with the likes of B. Lim and Jesse Lim). This was stifled, discouraged, and punished in secondary school - which did nothing more than perpetuate the cycle of my active rebellion - while I knew that I could ultimately have my way so long as I continue to generate results.
Maybe it was because I was not the top student in Primary School that teachers felt compelled to mark my report card - something still tucked in a forgotten drawer at home - to label me, an eight-year-old child, as "disorganized" (I am aware of the problems of dichotomizing "organization", but this was probably how a younger, less aware Fiona, would have thought). This may have been done with the sincere intentions to highlight certain areas of improvement, to encourage change - but I do not recall making any adjustments whatsoever. Regardless, I do genuinely hope that maybe, the younger Fiona was actually a lot less than organized, and it was not an inflection of my above-average results that would not have looked good for a student from the top class.
And today, I would, if unashamedly, declare, that I do not think that I lack organization. Yes, I may have things everywhere, but everything has its own rightful place. My cupboard may be too full of clothes, but they are divided according to categories, then sorted according to season, and placed in a particular, systematic scheme of colors; I never work without a schedule - I do not like doing things as and when I desire (while Oisin is the polar opposite); I disdain the lack of punctuality - the number of times I have sent pissed off "I'm leaving in 10 minutes" to my friends probably exemplifies this...
I do concede that this may be an extension of the sense of injustice I felt in my Secondary School days for being an arts student, a still existent sentiment that teachers, with callous words, have the ability, even if inadvertently and unintentionally, to brand students. These marks become burdens for them to carry.
These wounds may eventually heal, but the scars will remains.
But, I digress.Labels: hindsight, random, thoughts
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 ◔ 11:12 AM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ one day ❞ | When it happens, I know, that it would be one without arguments; it wouldn't even be fair to say that we drifted apart. It'd be amicable, mutually agreed.
It'd be one that recognizes that, sometimes, loving someone means letting go.
He'd probably want us to remain friends - but I concede - that given our horrible track records of keeping in touch, this would be too much a stretch of imagination. Too much of an aspiration that remaining friends, may just leave a semblance of the other in our lives; friendship would be a whisper of hope that, maybe, one day, getting back together would be a possibility.
but that would just make the farewell even more excruciating.Labels: thoughts
| Wednesday, July 15, 2015 ◔ 8:24 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Missing opportunities. ❞ | There was this pair of trousers that I really liked in Sweden, but I didn't buy it because I thought it was a bit pricey, and mainly also because it was dry clean only. I ended up with tons of SEK leftover.
I've been thinking of them once I got back, and even Oisin agreed that the cutting was awesome.
Just tried to purchase them online today, and I realized that they were sold out in my size on their webstore.
Life sucks when you don't seize opportunities.
Labels: daily, rants, thoughts
| Sunday, May 17, 2015 ◔ 8:57 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Asking for trouble ❞ | Sometimes I think I ask for trouble myself.
This could go really well, or really badly. And I don't want the latter to happen, especially since it's exams right now...
But like I said, sometimes I really think I am digging my own grave.
In other news, I tried to search for old photos from my blog posts... Sometimes I think I pre-empt myself too much. They're all gone :( memories, and maybe healing old wounds.Labels: daily, random, thoughts
| Thursday, February 19, 2015 ◔ 11:24 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ "How to make yourself feel better" ❞ | I have just had to Google "how to make yourself feel better".
It is just going downhill from here. One way ticket.
inadequacy. no self-worth. inadequacy. no self-worth. inadequacy.Labels: daily, random, thoughts
| Sunday, February 08, 2015 ◔ 4:06 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Rome nom? Rome nom. ❞ | And the last installment of my Italy food photos. Rome is literally the best of both worlds - you get amazing seafood and meat.
Via Margutta, 1D, 00187
The food here is ok, but not exactly the best. On that note, Via Margutta is an incredibly hipster street that you should have a lil wander down.

Hostaria Costanza
Piazza Paradiso, 63/65, 00186
This place sits "under the remains of the tiers of the Pompeo Theatre, which is also a part of a bigger monumental complex built by Pompeo in the Campo Marzio probably after his triumph of 61 b.c."
Lovely setting, lovely food, and the most amazing service staff.

La Pace del Palato
Via del Teatro Pace, 42
Lovely, homely family restaurant. And the first restaurant that served *gasp* Zabaglione :Q

Via dei Giubbonari, 21
An incredibly busy restaurant that is almost impossible to get reservations at. But worth every effort because the food was probably one of the best meals I've had in Italy.

Possibly the highlight of my trip - the Zuppa di Gorgonzola. Gorgonzola? Pudding? I'm all in.Labels: food, holiday, Italy, photography, Rome
| Wednesday, February 04, 2015 ◔ 1:31 PM // ✎ 0 comment(s) | ❝ Barnyard ❞ |
18 Charlotte Street
London W1T 2LY
Had another of our impromptu food outings again.
While waiting for Mr-Late, the staff gave me these slices of watermelon, probably because they felt sorry for me who was doing work in a gastropub :P

We had a drink each, and then I got tempted and ordered the extremely sinful but oh-so-tasty milkshake. With added hard liquor, no less.

And we waited till 3PM, which was when they started the Sunday Roast; together with a bottle of wine (no less :P). The bartender even exclaimed: "a beer, a milkshake and a bottle of wine? How do you guys do it?!" Omnom.

Amazing popcorn ice cream and apple crumble with clotted cream for pudding. Never got what the clotted cream was for, but it still tasted amazing nonetheless.
All in all, underwhelming and stingy Sunday Roast (it seems to be the trend these days though, and I don't understand why?), but amazing drinks / desserts and wonderful ambiance - perfect if you want to have fruitful conversation. Anddd it's close to UCL :PLabels: food, friends, London